Considering Adoption
Adoption is a very loving parenting decision to make. There are thousands of people ready to be excellent parents, and are hoping to adopt a baby. Adoption agency workers will assist you in designing a plan that is right for you.
Find Out More About Adoption
PDHC can help you connect with an adoption agency that believes and respects each person’s right and responsibility to make the decision that is right for her family. It is important to recognize that not everyone is comfortable with all levels of openness. The adoption agency matches birth and adoptive parents who want the same thing.
For more information, you may want to visit the websites of these Ohio adoption agencies.
An “open adoption” refers to an adoption where the adoptive parents and birth parents share certain information and, in some cases, agree to some type of ongoing contact. The range of openness can include:
Birth parents provide special mementos (baby blanket, frame, book, letter, etc.) to the adoptive parents to share with the baby.
Birth parents and adoptive parents exchanging first names and photographs.
Ongoing communication between birth parents and adoptive parents in the form of letters or photographs sent through the adoption agency.
Birth parents and adoptive parents meeting each other, sharing full identifying information and having ongoing contact directly through years.
Open Adoption

In some cases, you as the birth parent may not desire a certain level of communication with your child’s adoptive family and in other cases, it may be uncomfortable for the adoptive family.
For situations like this, closed adoption may be an ideal solution. It offers an arrangement that provides less communication and interaction between the expecting mother and the adoptive family.
A “closed adoption” refers to an adoption when the birth parent(s) request that the adoption agency choose an adoptive family for their baby, or they choose the family from agency profiles, but do not meet them.
No information, except social/medical (which Ohio law requires), is shared with the adoptive family.
Closed Adoption